Lisa Bufano and Jason Tschantre, Home is Not Home, 2011, Photographic still

Lisa Bufano and Jason Tschantre, Home is Not Home, 2011, Photographic still

Failure to Adapt: A Conversation Between Syrus Marcus Ware and Elizabeth Sweeney

"I think you would also agree that these messages clearly demonstrate a different kind of failure –the persistent failure of Canadian art institutions to make meaningful change. Failure to see curators who specialize in diasporic art practices and the diverse cultures of Canadians as essential, not optional (i.e., contractual). Failure to take ownership (and action) for euro-centric collections that were built from long histories of colonization, racism, sexism and ableism. Failure to radically reconsider how audiences engage and access art. And the failure of our academic institutions to redefine the art histories, practices and artists we celebrate, study and revere." - ES